Wednesday 19 October 2011

Trajic tale of Damodar Rao,son of Rani Lakshmi bai

source:[a Marathi book by veteran writer Y.N Kelkar called “Itihasachya Sahali” or “Voyages in History” published in 1959.]

hello every one.. i found a interesting article about DAMODAR RAO, who is the son of Jhansi Lakhmi bai on the web.


A popular image of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi

The great rebellion leader , jhansi lakshmi bai fought with british people having her son tied on her back. In the battle she lost herself for the nation.After the death of Maharani lakshmi bai, what happened to her son? Britishers captured him? what were the conditions faced by Damodar Rao, (approx. 9 years old) at that time? I found answers to all these questions in one article here.

Sri. Damodar Rao Niwalkar, narrating the conditions faced by him at that time-
I am presenting the content below as it is written in that blog.
The narration goes like this-

“I was born on 15th November 1849 in Jhansi in a collateral branch of the ruling Newalkar dynasty. On my birth, the court astrologers looked at the stars and prophesised that I had a “Raj Yog” or destined to become a king. And how tragically true this prophesy turned out to be!

Shankargarh fort at Jhansi, where young Anand Rao was adopted by Rani Lakshmibai and named Damodar Rao.
After a young age of three, I was adopted by Maharaja Gangadhar Rao of Jhansi. An application was sent to the East India Company’s representative in Bundelkand to recognize my adoption, but my adoptive father died soon after before a confirmation could be received. After this, my adoptive mother, Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi sent a representation of Lord Dalhousie in Calcutta to recognize me as an heir to the throne but this appeal was rejected. The British East India Company declared that the kingdom of Jhansi would be annexed under the doctrine of lapse and that my mother, Rani Laxmibai would get an annual pension of Rs 5000. In addition Masaheb (Rani Laxmibai) would also inherit all the personal property of my father including the palaces and jewellery. Lord Dalhousie decided that I could inherit these personal assets of my late father but not the kingdom. In addition, there were 7 lakh rupees in the treasury in the name of my late father. When Masaheb requested for the same, she was informed that the British Govt would be hold this money in trust till I reached majority and then, it would be handed over to me.

In 1857, my fate changed for worse. My mother never forgave the British for the annexation of our kingdom and she raised a banner of revolt along with the entire the populace of Jhansi. Unfortunately, we lost Jhansi due to treachery and had to flee to Gwalior. In the battle in Gwalior, Masaheb became a martyr. My attendants would tell be that she carried me on her back on the battlefield. I was too young to remember this. After Masaheb’s death, I remained in Gwalior for the next 3 days. Of Masaheb’s confidants, only 60 had survived the battle. Nanekhan Risaldar, a Maratha named Ganpatrao , Raghunath singh and Ramchadrarao Deshmukh took me under their guardianship and with 22 horses and 60 camels, we broke away from the camp of Raosaheb, brother of Peshwa Nanasaheb of Bithur and decided to find our own way out. We fled along the inhospitable terrain, jungles and ravines and fled towards the direction of Chanderi in Bundelkhand. No village on the way was willing to take pity and help us due to the fear of reprisals by the British.

Since a refuge in any of the villages was virtually impossible, we took shelter in a dense forest by edge of the river. Due to lack of any camping equipment, we had to sleep under the open skies. During the scorching heart of the summer, we would have sleep inside the deep forest amidst the trees. Our skin would burn due to the heat. We had no food and hence had to survive on fruits and berries found in the forest. Fortunately, Mother Nature took pity on us and we never slept hungry in the forest. We were afraid of going to nearby villages for help as there were British soldiers roving everywhere hunting for the rebels. Only in extreme emergencies would our men venture out, with life in their hands and get required provisions from local villages. This went on till the end of summer.

As monsoon began, things went from bad to worse. All forest paths would be flooded making it impossible for us to move. Remembering those terrible days sends shiver down my spine. Fortunately god finally took pity on us. A local village headman informed us that as the British has set up a camp at Lalitpur, he could not help us directly but if we moved to a secret location in the forest as suggested by him, he would provide us with provisions over there. On advice of Naik Raghunath singh, we broke our camp and started living at different locations in small groups of 10 to avoid any suspicion. We reached an agreement with that local village headman that we would give him Rs.500 every month plus 9 horses and 4 camels and in return, he would supply us with required provisions and keep us informed about British movements. At this time, we were around 11 people.

Betwa river, also known as “Vetravati” on whose banks, young Damodar Rao and his followers took refuge in the deep forest.
As agreed, we went to live in a cave by a steep cliff. Below the cliff was the Vetravati river. There was a temple of Mahadev nearby too. River Vetravati ran with a great force and there was a large and lovely waterfall. Around us, there were several lakes and ponds. The sheer pristine beauty of the place made us forget some of our sorrows.

In this way, we spent as two whole years as wanderers and fugitives. During these years, I was unwell the whole time. In the month of Bhadrapad, my conditioned worsened. My retainers were worried if I would even survive the ordeal. They begged the village headman to send someone to treat me. Even the village headman was shocked to see my pitiable and delicate state. He soon got a local doctor or a “vaid” who happened to be his uncle to treat me in secrecy.

As I recovered from my illness, another problem arose. While fleeing Gwalior, we had around Rs. 60,000 with us which by now had been fully exhausted. Now, with no money to pay, the headman rudely asked us to leave and we had no choice but to comply. We gave the headman Rs.200 and asked for the return of our horses. That charlatan returned only 3 horses and informed us that others had died! We left as a group of 12 however, on our way further, we were joined by another batch of followers that had left earlier and soon became 24.

We soon reached the village of Shipri-Kolaras in the Gwalior state. The locals there recognized us as rebels and put us all under arrest. We were in local jail for 3 days. Then under and escort of 10 horsemen and 25 sepoys, we were sent to the Political Agent at Jhalrapatan. As our horses had been confiscated, we had to walk for days. My men could not bear to see my plight and carried me on their back by turns. Most of my mother’s men who had survived had taken asylum in Jhalrapatan. There was a Political agency nearby managed by a Poltical Agent named Mr. Flink. One of my mother’s risaldar named Nanhekhan was working at this political agency. He was a trusted aide of Mt Flink. He went to Mr Flink and said “ Late Ranisaheb of Jhansi had a son who is now just 9-10 year old. After she died in the battlefield, that little child had to live in the forest like an animal. His trusted followers have looked after him with care. What is the fault of this innocent child? What has he ever done against the British Raj? Please spare that child and entire Hindustan shall shower blessings on you”.

The spectacular Gagron Fort at Jhalawar, whose kind ruler, Raja Prithvi Singh gave great help to young Damodar Rao.
Mr Flink was a kind man. He sent a message to the Political Agent at Indore, Col Sir Richard Shakespeare, to which Colonel replied “If Rani of Jhansi’s son surrenders willingly, I shall see that his affairs are settled”. Mr Flink asked Nanhekhan to take me to Indore. On the way we met Raja Prithvisinh of Jhalrapatan. He had great respect for masaheb and he treated me very well promised that he would put in a good word for me with the resident at Ajmer. We were kept in prison near Jhalrapatan for around 3 months. We had no money till then and so I was forced to sell the two bracelets or “todas” of 32 tolas each which belonged to late Masaheb. There were the last remaining memories of her with me. And now they were lost. On 5th May 1860, we reached Indore cantonment. There I met the politicial agent, Sir Richard Shakespeare. I was placed under guardianship of a Kashmiri official called Munshi Dharmanarayan. I was allowed to keep only 7 followers and all others had to leave. I was allotted an annual pension of Rs. 10,000, which I had no option but to take as I was only a child then.”

This is where the memoir ends. Not much is known of what happened to Damodar Rao in his later life. What is known is that the British Govt refused to hand over to him the 7 lakh rupees which it held in ”trust” for him and had refused to hand it over to Rani Lakshmibai. Damodar Rao lived the rest of his days in penury begging the British govt to restore to him some of his rights without avail. He married and settled down in Indore. In 1904, he had a son named Lakshman Rao. The sad and tragic life of Damodar Rao ended on 28th May 1906. He was 58 years old. His descendants still live in Indore. They use the name “Jhansiwale” after the land of their forebears. Damodar Rao, son of brave Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi lives on as a small footnote in history of India and in popular imagination as a little boy tied to a fearless heroine’s back.

Another information about damodar rao is :
Anand Rao was the real name of Damodar and he was 5 at the time of adoption and was renamed Damodar Gangadhar Rao on 19 November 1853 while the Maharaja died on 21 November 1853. This means he was born sometime in 1848.

After the death of LakshmiBai , Ram Chandra Rao Deshmukh and Kashi Bai , two close confidants of the late queen looked after Damodar Rao who was a 9 years old child.
After wandering here and there in hiding for long , they reached Agra with the help of Nanhe Khan ( an old aide of Rani )and came in contact with a british officer Pleak or Flick. Pleak was an admirer of the late queen and he , through Col.Shakespeare, the political agent of Indore, got Ram Chandra, Kashi and Damodar Rao pardoned and as a consequence of the efforts of these two gentlemen the Governal General allowed to give an annual pension of Rupees 1800 to Damodar Rao.Col Shakespeare too proved to be very kind. He appointed a Munshi Dharam Narayan at his bungalow to teach Damodar Urdu, English & Marathi.

After settling at Indore and reaching majority ,Damodar Rao's Aunt - who was the wife of Damodar' natural father, got him married at Indore. His first wife died shortly and he was married again in Shivre Family.

In 1904 , Damodar became father of a son who was named Lakshman Rao and after that his descendents lived in Indore.

On 28 May 1906, the luckless Damodar breathed his last at the age of fifty-eight at Indore while amongst the attendents of Rani Lakshmi Basi ,Deshmukh passed awy in 1885 and Ramchandra Rao in 1888. ( In your article it shows 1900 as his year of death)

Damodar's son Lakshman Rao died in 1959 and the Govt of UP had presented him a Sanad and a monetary award to him on 10 may 1957 in commemoration of his grand mothers contribution after 100 years of 1857.

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