Sunday 25 September 2011

The first Aeroplane in the world मारुत सखि (MARUTA SAKHI)

Who Invented the Aeroplane? I am sure you know the answer to this question, as we studied in our textbooks, we know that it was invented by Write brothers in USA.But the fact is different.
1800-1900 was a period of inventions- People were innovating left and right, at a pace never attained since then. Eventually, two attempts got recorded into the annals of aviation history. One was Santos Dumont of Brazil and the other the Wright brothers of USA. The latter are accorded all the credit today for being pioneers of manned, controlled flight. Dumont’s supporters argued that his 14bis flew for 722 feet in 1906-1907 after his 1901 dirigibles; The Wright brothers did their first 852’ flight in 1903, but more in secret. Brazilians argued that Dumont flew without use of catapults and slopes to aid take off, the Wright brothers did just that. Clement Ader did a self powered flight in 1890; or so it appears, but just 8 inches above the ground. Then there was John Stringfellow’s plane in 1848. The Wright brothers did some more sparsely witnessed flight demonstrations 1903-1906.

Our country is the major resource to the human relationships, culture and technology too. We are not lacking in the area of Flying machines, we too have plane technology, our Indian plane is called as विमान(vimana). Our scientific technological engineering branches are called शास्त्र (sastra). our Flying machines engineering is called as विमान शास्त्र( vimana sastra). The saint named भरद्वज महर्षि (bharadwaja maharshi) written this book. The book contains What is the concept of anti-gravity, what is vimana, how to construct a vimana, how vimana works, what are the types of vimanas, and how to carry weapons in vimanas also.
This concept was implemented practically in India,six years before when Write brothers invented the aeroplane in USA.
This great experiment was done by the great people MAHARSHI ANEKAL T.SUBBARAYA SASTRY who is from Bangalore and SIVKAR TALPADE from Bombay.
Subbaraya sastry was a great sanskrit pandit and studied all the indian sastras.Most people by knowing his intelligence used to come to see him and listen some interesting facts. One of them was the industrialist who belongs to Bombay, named Poonjilal giridhar.Giridhar stayed two weeks at sri.subbaraya sastry's house and understood some facts. He went back to Bombay and met Dr.Talpade, who is a scholar and researcher in vimana sastra.Dr.Talpade met Sri. sastry and showed some models of the vimanas.Subbaraya sastry went to bombay upon receiving the invitation if Talpade.Mrs.Talpade is also a scientist, who was also part of this experiment.
These three people,MAHARSHI ANEKAL T.SUBBARAYA SASTRY, Dr.SHIVKAR TALPADE,Mrs.TALPADE implemented practically FIRST INDIAN AEROPLANE and named it as मारुत सखि ( means friend to air).

Architecture of मारुत सखि

In 1895, at the area called choupathi in Bombay, the machine was prepared to fly in the sky.Everybody was eagerly waiting to see our plane including maharaj of baroda sayajdev gaikwad, and lawyer mahadev govind ranade .The plane was started with the veda mantras.
मारुत सखि went in the sky at 1500 feet and spent some hours in the sky and reached the land at appropriate time.Everybody felt very happy and said with one voice,'jai bharata mata'.
The british agents and leaders felt astonished by seeing this experiment.The police people did lathy charge on the people who wanted to see the plane nearer.
The british government banned to publish this successful experiment in the news papers.

After some time, the Mr.Talpade and Mrs.talpade passed away and the relatives of Talpade sold the research papers of this experiment the the foreign company named raly brothers.
This great experiment was first published on the news paper named KESARI which was established by lokmanya balgangadhar tilak.The historian named IVAS KOPSATIKA announced that the first inventor of the plane is Talpade.

what was the Indian vimana is all about?

The british agents and leaders felt astonished by seeing this experiment.The police people did lathy charge on the people who wanted to see the plane nearer.
The british government banned to publish this successful experiment in the news papers.

There are several evidences that we have used vimanas.
The Ancient indian technology contains many facts which are not in light now. There are many books related to aeroplane technology, some of them are:
विमान चन्द्रिका (vimana chandrika) by Acharya narayana muni
विमान बिन्दु (vimana bindu) by Acharya Vachaspati
विमान ज्ञानार्थ प्रकाशिका (vimana jnanartha prakasika ) by maharshi dundiraja etc.
The concepts in these books were taken into consideration by Sastry and Dr. Talpade.
This is a proof of the anti-gravity and spacecraft technologies have been used by the ancient India. To really understand the technology, we must look back through the centuries, the Kingdom of Rama in North India and Pakistan developed at the time about 15,000 years ago.
->Is this true?
I know that some of us wont believe this until the western people accept it. No problem i will show that evidence too to you with pleasure.The MARUTA SAKHI works with mercury and solar light. What is the scientific reason behind this? how it works? check this out.

->Reference Section